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ysladmin 2024-05-31 人已围观

简介acquisitive       大家好,今天我将为大家详细介绍acquisitive的问题。为了更好地呈现这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来看看吧。1.求11个字母的英文单词2.如何快速高效的做英语题3.初次和老外见面谈生意,








6.物欲横流 的英文翻译




       读音:英 [?pe?nzte?k] 美 [?pe?nzte?k]






       读音:英[?e?ba?'d?en?s?s] 美[?e?ba?o?'d?en?s?s]



       As the hemodynamic factors have great relationship with aneurismal abiogenesis, it became the hotspot of aneurismal study in the world in recent years.



       读音:英[?pe?p?we?t] 美[?pe?p?rwe?t]



       The room was darkening. He turned over towards the light and lay gazing into the glass?paperweight.




       英[?nesser?li]? 美[?nesser?li]



       The unemployment figures are not?necessarily?related to the rise in prices.



       读音:英[fekt?vli]? 美[fekt?vli]



       The newspapers were?effectively?muzzled by strict censorship laws.






















       做完一篇阅读之后,把文章中的不认识的单词画出来,尤其是动词 ,查它的意思,一般查出2-3个常见意思,对于其在文章中的意思可以做重点标注,便于以后复习和查阅。当然,涉及一些人名、地名、职位之类的单词可以不用去记,但是像 Hemingway(海明威)、CEO、CIA(中央情报局)之类的常识类的还是要了解的,可以帮助你更好的理解文章,并且翻译题中可能会用到。




       法律类常见单词:criminal law、 civil law 、judge 、jury 、witness、convict 等.....

       经济类常见单词:economic、interest rate 、devalue、multinational corporation 、transaction、shareholder、broker等





       If ambition is to be well regarded,the rewards of ambition——wealth,distinction,control over one’s destiny——must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition’s behalf.---2000 Passage5

       distinction n.差别,区别,卓越,荣誉



       What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams,as easily and openly as once they could,lest they be thought pushing,acquisitive and vulgar. ---2000 Passage5

       pushing adj. 推进的,有进取心的,爱出风头的

       push 作为动词,我们常见的是”推动、按压”的意思,在本句中,pushing为形容词,根据句子,译为爱出风头的。








       A compte

       分期付款,部分付款 a direct charter(ed) flight

       包机直航 a financial meltdown


       A grade

       甲级(货品) A&P advertising and promotion

       广告与宣传 A.C.A



       会计师及法人会计师协会联系会员 A.D.F.

       亚洲开发基金 A.G.W.I



       舱口,后部,船舱后部 A.I.C.P.A.

       美国会计师协会 A.L., Ala.



       保险分享方法 A.P.

       应付海损 a/m


       A/o, a/o

       帐户 a1

       极佳的,优质的 Abacus



       废弃,委付,放弃 abandoned goods

       无主货物,被弃货物 Abandonee



       放弃产品 abandonment charge

       背弃 费用 abandonment clause


       abandonment of cation

       放弃诉讼 Abate

       降低,减少 Abatement



       屠场,屠房 abbreviated address

       简略地址,缩写地址 Abbreviation



       中止,停止,失效 Abide

       忠於,遵守,坚持 Ability


       abnormal return (excess return); abnormal rate of return

       异常报酬(率) Aboard

       上,登 Abode



       废奴运动 Above

       上述的,前述 Above par


       Above the line

       线上项目,经常预算 Above-mentioned

       上述的 Above-named


       abrasion of coin

       硬币磨损 abridgment

       节略,节本 abritrage rate

       套汇 汇率


       到国外,在国外,国外 abs.

       绝对的,完全的 abscond



       缺席,未到 Absent

       缺席的,未到的 absentee


       absentee landlord

       不在地主,不在业主 absentee ownership

       不在所有,不在所有权 absenteeism


       absenteeism rate

       缺席率,缺勤率 absolute advantage

       绝对优势,绝对利益 absolute interest


       absolute liability

       绝对责任,绝对赔偿责任 absolute monopoly

       绝对垄断 absolute par of exchange

       绝对 外汇 平价

       absolute privilege

       绝对特权 absolute title

       绝对所有权 absolute value



       赦免,免除 absorption

       合并 absorption costing



       弃权,不干 abstinence theory

       节欲论,即欲说 abstract


       abt. about

       大约,关於 abundance

       丰富,充裕 Abuse of process



       交易学;交易经济学 accelerate

       加速,加快 Accelerated Cost Recovery System


       accelerated depreciation

       加速折旧 acceleration

       提前,加速 acceleration clause


       acceleration premium

       增产奖金 acceleration Principle

       加速原理 accelerator



       接受,同意接收 Accept a bill of exchange

       承兑汇票 Accept a risk


       Accept on presentation

       出非时承兑,经提示承兑 Accept service for a writ

       接受传票,接受令状 acceptance


       acceptance account

       承兑帐户,期票帐户 acceptance against documents

       承兑交单,承兑后交付单据 acceptance bank


       acceptance commission

       承兑 手续费 acceptance credit

       承兑信贷,承兑信用,承兑信用证 acceptance fee


       acceptance for honor

       参加 承兑 acceptance house

       承兑商行,期票承兑行 acceptance market


       acceptance of goods

       接收货物,接受货物 acceptance of offer

       接受发盘,接受发价 acceptance of proposal


       acceptance of service

       接受送达传票 acceptance sampling

       验收抽样 acceptance supra protest


       acceptance test

       验收试验 acceptance trials

       验收试航 accepted bill



       减免,免除(某人)债务 accepting bank

       承兑 银行 accepting charge


       accepting house

       承兑行,承兑公司 Accepting Houses Committee (A.H.C.)

       承兑行委员会 acceptor


       acceptor for honor

       参加 承兑人 Access

       接近,进入 Access time



       增加,增加物 accessories

       附件,附属品,配件 accessory



       (意外)事故 accident beyond control

       非人为 事故 accident frequency rate


       accident insurance

       事故保险 accident prevention

       事故预防 accidental


       accidental insurance

       伤害保险 acclamation

       欢呼,喝采 accommodate



       房间,住所 accommodation acceptance

       融通承兑,通融承兑 accommodation berth


       accommodation bill

       空头票据,融通汇票,通融票据 accommodation endorsement

       融通背书,通融背书 accommodation land


       accommodation note

       融通票据,空头票据 accommodation paper

       通融票据,空头票据 accommodation party


       accommodation payment

       担保佣金,担保酬金 accommodation rent

       便利性地租 accommodation road


       accommodation train

       慢车,普通旅客列车 accommodation unit

       居住单元 accommodation way



       伴随,陪伴 accomplice

       陪同,伴随 accord and satisfaction



       同谋,帮凶 account

       帐,帐目 account agent


       account balance

       帐户结余,帐户余额,结平帐户 account books

       帐簿,帐册,会计帐簿 account current


       account day

       结算日,结帐日 account executive

       帐户管理员,业务员,营业经理,客户经理 account of goods sold

       销货 帐目

       account payable

       应付帐款,应付款,应付未付帐 account payee

       帐户受款人 account purchase


       account receivable

       应收帐款,应收款,应收未收帐 account rendered

       报帐,借贷细帐,结欠清单 account sales


       account stated

       确认帐额,帐额认可 account terms

       帐户条件,赊购条件 account trading


       account year

       会计 年度 account, money of

       计帐货币 accountable



       会计 accountant

       会计师,会计 accounting


       accounting equation

       会计等式 accounting machine

       计帐机,会计机器 accounting period


       accounting procedure

       会计程序,会计手续 accounting rate of return

       会计收益率 accounting statement

       会计 报表

       accounting summary

       会计摘要 accounting unit

       会计 单位 accounts


       accounts payable

       应付帐款,应付帐 accounts receivable

       应收帐款,应收帐 accredited



       增加,自然增值,增殖 accrual

       增加,增长,积累 accrual concept



       增加额,应计额 accrue

       逐渐增加,自然增长 accrued costs


       accrued expenses

       应计费用 accrued income

       应计收益,应计收入 accrued interest


       accrued item

       应计 项目 accumulate

       积累,积聚,蓄几 accumulated depreciation


       accumulated dividends

       累积股息,累积红利 accumulated fund

       累续基金 accumulated profit



       滚存,累积 accumulation of capital

       资本 积累 accumulation unit


       accumulative dividends

       累积股利,累积股息,累积红利 accumulator

       累加器,存储器 accumulator bet


       accurate description

       准确描述 acid test ratio

       酸性测验比率,流动资产与流动负债比率 acknowledge



       回单 acknowledgement of orders

       订单 确认 acknowledgment


       acknowledgment of copyright

       承认版权,鸣谢 acknowledgment of debt

       债务承认书 ACORN



       默认,默许,相识,了解 acquire

       获取,购买,取得所有权 acquired surplus



       获得 Acquisitions and Mergers

       收购与合并 acquisitive



       偿付 acquittance

       债务清偿,清偿,完全偿付 acreage


       across the board

       全面的,包括一切的 across the counter

       柜台交易,按正规进行交易 act


       act in law

       依法行为,法律上的行为 act insurance

       政策性保险 act liability insurance


       act of bankruptcy

       破产行为,破产法 act of Congress

       国会法案 act of courtesy


       act of God

       不可抗力,天灾,自然灾害 act of grace

       大赦令,特赦 act of Parliament


       act of war

       战争举动 acting

       代理的 acting manager

       代理 经理


       诉讼 action in rem

       物权诉讼,对物诉讼 actionable



       活跃的,繁忙的,多活力的 active assets

       活动资产,流动资产 active balance


       active circulation

       流通额,流通货币 active demand

       畅销 active trust


       Activity Driver

       作业成本动因 activity duration

       作业期间 Activity Inventory



       实价 actual cost

       实际 成本 actual investment


       actual liabilities

       实际 负债 actual loss

       实际损失 actual price


       Actual Time of Arrival(ATA)

       实际到达时间 actual total loss

       实际全损,绝对全损 actuarial calculation


       actuarial mathematics

       精算数学 actuary

       保险统计员,保险计算员,精算师 ad


       Ad Impression

       广告曝光/曝光 ad referendum

       尚待核准,留待审查,待进一步审议 Ad Request


       ad valorem

       从价,按价 ad valorem tax

       从价税 add-in



       加法制表器 add.

       补遗,附录 added value


       added value tax

       增值税 adder

       法器 adding machine


       additional expense

       追加 费用 additional order

       追加 订货 additional premium

       追加 保费


       附加的,追加的,额外的 Address

       寄给… address book


       address card

       通讯卡 address commission

       租船代理佣金,租船回扣 Addressee


       addressing machine

       姓名地址印刷机 addressograph

       地址印刷机 addsd.



       形容词 adjective law

       程序法 adjourn


       adjournment sine die

       无限期休会 adjudicate

       判决,宣判,裁定,对…作出判决 adjudication order



       校正 Adjusted bond

       调整债券 adjusted selling price


       adjusted share price

       调整后股票价格 adjuster

       理算人,海损理算师 adjustment


       adjustment account

       校正帐户,调整帐户 adjustment mechanism

       调整机制 adjustment of claims


       adjustment of exchange rate

       调整汇价 ADL Advance-Decline Line

       腾落指标 adm.



       广告泛滥,广告充斥 admin.

       实施细节 administration


       administration action

       管理则产诉讼,产业诉讼 administration costs

       管理成本,管理费用 administration expenses


       administration of estates

       遗产管理 administrative control

       管理控制,经营控制 administrative expenses


       administrative lag

       决策落差 administrative overheads

       管理费,办公费 administrative tribunal



       遗产管理人,管理人 administratrix

       女管理员,女遗产管理人 Admiralty Court



       允许进入 admission temporaire

       暂时输入许可,免税进口,临时允许进口 admit


       admitted assets

       认许资产 adopt

       批准,接受,采纳 adoption curve


       adoption of contract

       接受合同,承认契约 adoptive Act

       采纳性法 adulteration


       adulteration of coinage

       铸币掺假 adv.

       副词 advalorem duty



       提前,提高 advance bill

       预付票据,预开汇票 advance corporation tax


       advance freight

       预付运费 advance in price

       涨价 advance man


       advance payment

       预付款 advance price

       增价 advance sample


       advance settlement of exchange

       预交 外汇 Advance-Purchase Excursion

       预购的游览机票 advanced passenger train



       预付,贷款,垫款 advances

       垫款,贷款 advances ratio



       优势,利益 adventure

       冒险,投机性商业活动,投机事业 adverse possession


       adverse selection

       反向选择 adverse trade balance

       贸易逆差,入超 advertisement


       advertisement hoarding

       广告招贴 advertisement matter

       广告 邮件 advertisement rates



       登广告者,广告主,广告客户,广告商,广告栏 advertising

       广告,广告业,广告学,广告经理 advertising agency


       advertising agent

       广告代理商,广告代理人,广告公司 advertising appropriation

       广告预算 advertising campaign


       advertising drive

       广告运动 advertising expense

       广告费 advertising media


       advertising Standards Authority

       广告标准管理局 advice

       意见,忠告 advice note


       advice of arrival

       到货 通知 advice of charge

       付款 通知书 advice of delivery


       advice of dispatch

       发运通知,发运通知书 advice of drawing

       支票 通知书 advice of shipment

       货运 通知


       消息,行情 advising bank (notifying bank)

       通知 银行 advisory service


       Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)

       谘询、调解与仲裁署 advocate

       律师,辩护者 AE



       无线电报 aerogramme

       航空邮简 afairs



       附属的 affidavit of export

       出口 宣誓书 affiliated company

       附属 公司,联盟 公司

       affiliated societies

       分会,附属团体,友谊互助会著合会 affiliated trade unions

       分支工会,联合工会,附属工会 affiliation


       Affinity Card

       认同卡 affirmation

       证词,誓言 affirmative action

       肯定法案 (指公司雇用人员时不可因种族或性别而有所歧视,必须雇用一定人数的弱势团体)


       丰富,富裕,丰裕 affreightment

       租佣货船,租借货船 afidavit



       建立密切关系,加入…成为成员 afloat

       应付自如的 aforesaid



       亚非函济合作组织 African, Caribbean and Pacific

       非洲、加勒比与太平洋 aft.


       after charge

       附加 费率 after date

       出票后,…日后付款,日后,发票后 after sight


       after-hours dealings

       收市后交易 after-market

       后继市场,继起市场 after-sales service



       反对,对…不利 against all risks

       全险,保一切险,保全险 age admitted


       age allowance

       年龄折让,年龄税收减让,年龄免税额 age discrimination

       年龄歧视 age limit


       age profile

       年龄分布曲线,年龄剖面图 agency

       代理,代理行 agency agreement

       代理 协定

       agency bill

       代理汇票,代理期票 agency contract

       代理 契约 agenda



       代理人,代理商 agent bank

       代理银行 agent de change


       Agent Facilitation Services(AFS)

       代理商便利服务措施 agent of necessity

       需要时的代理人,危急代理人 agent registration certificate


       agent service

       代理 服务 agents of production

       生产要素 aggregate analysis


       aggregate demand

       总需求 aggregate demand & supply curves

       总供求曲线 aggregate demand curve


       aggregate planning

       总计划 aggregate supply

       总合供给 aggregate supply price


       aggregated rebates

       累计回扣,累计折扣 aggregates, monetary

       货币总量 aggregation



       大胆的,进攻性的 Aggressive Growth Fund

       积极成长型基金 agio


       Agio Theory of Interest

       利息差价论 agiotage

       汇兑烁务,炒汇投机,股票投机 agree



       商定的,约定的,已同意的 agreed upon

       同意,商定 agreement


       agreement to sell

       销售协议 agricultural area

       农业面积 agricultural bank


       asset share

       资产额份 asset turnover

       资产周转率 asset valuation reserve (AVR)


       asset value per share

       每股资产(价)值 Asset-class risk

       资产类别的风险 asset-stripping



       资产,财产 assets disposal account

       资产处置帐户 assets side


       assets value

       资产价值 assign

       分配 assignable cause



       转让债卷 assignee

       受让人,代理人,受托者 assignee in bankruptcy



       分配,分派 assignment clause

       转让 条款 assignment of policy

       保险单 转让


       转让人,转让者 assistant

       助手,低级雇员 assistant accountant


       assistant manager

       协理,副经理 assisted areas

       受援地区 associate


       associated company

       联营公司,联号 association

       联盟,协会社团 Association Cambiste Internationale(ACI)


       Association for Payments Clearing Services (A.P.A.C.S.)

       支付清算服务协会 Association of Asian Pacifie Airlines(AAPA)

       亚太航协 Association of British Chambers of Commerce


       Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

       特许公认会计师公会 Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

       东南亚国家联盟(东盟) Assumed bond



       保险 assured, the

       被保险人 assurer



       在后,向后 at (a price)

       按(价格),(价格)为… at a discount


       at a premium

       超过 票面 之 价值 at a profit

       获利,赚钱 at best





       工程(学), 工程师行业; 操纵,管理; 土木工程,工事; 开车技术;



       The most acquisitive firms tend to be engineering groups.



       The design and engineering of aircraft and space vehicles


物欲横流 的英文翻译

       《The Acquisitive Society》(Tawney, R. H.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读




       书名:The Acquisitive Society

       作者:Tawney, R. H.




       This is an EXACT reproduction of a book published before 1923. This IS NOT an OCR'd book with strange characters, introduced typographical errors, and jumbled words. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book.


       R.H.托尼(1880—1962),英国杰出的社会主义思想家、经济史学家、政治活动家。他是英国工党的思想导师,英国福利社会的主要推动者,在英国享有极高的声望。先后执教于格拉斯哥大学、牛津大学、伦敦政治经济学院。1929 年至1930 年应南开大学之邀到中国考察。

       其代表作包括:《16 世纪的土地问题》(1912)、《贪婪的社会》(1920)、《宗教与资本主义的兴起》(1926)、《平等》(1931)、《中国的土地和劳动》(1932)等。《平等》和《贪婪的社会》是托尼影响最大的社会批判著作,对英国的政治和社会发展产生了直接而重要的影响。

       物欲横流material things seems

       an acquisitive mind; an aquisitive society in which the craving for material things seems never satisfied.


       Our enemies believed America was weak and materialistic, that we would splinter in fear and selfishness.

