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ysladmin 2024-06-25 人已围观

简介advertiser_advertisers       非常感谢大家对advertiser问题集合的关注和提问。我会以全面和系统的方式回答每个问题,并为大家提供一些实用的建议和思路。1.英文小天才 社会职业名称2.登广告 英文怎么说



1.英文小天才 社会职业名称

2.登广告 英文怎么说





英文小天才 社会职业名称



       operator(接线员,现在好像已经没有了)、pharmacist(药剂师)、questionmaster(问答主持人)、racer(赛跑选手)、singer(歌者)、timekeeper(计时员)、underwriter(保险人)、volunteer organizer(就是组织志愿者去做事的人)welder(焊接工)

       X-ray technician(做x-ray那种东西的技师)、yacht cleaner(就是溜达着小艇清理水面垃圾的人)、zoologist(动物学家)、首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer、部门经理 Branch Manager、市场行政总监 Executive Marketing Director。

登广告 英文怎么说



       Advertisement, as the name suggests, is to inform the public of something. As far as the meaning of advertisement is concerned, it can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense.


       Non economic advertisements refer to advertisements that are not for

       profit, such as government announcements, notices and statements of

       political parties, religions, education, culture, municipal

       administration, social organizations, etc.


       Economic advertisement

        refers to the advertisement for profit, usually commercial

       advertisement. It is a means to promote the sale of goods or provide

       services to consumers or users by means of payment. Commodity

       advertisement is such economic advertisement.


       Advertising is a

       kind of communication tool, which transmits the information of a certain

        commodity to a group of users and consumers by the production or

       business organization (Advertiser) of the commodity; Advertising costs



       The communication activity of advertisement is persuasive;

        Advertising is purposeful, planned and continuous; Advertisement is not

        only beneficial to the advertiser, but also to the target. It can make

       users and consumers get useful information.





       登广告招聘英语教师:advertise for teachers of English

       登广告出租房屋:advertise a house for rent










       Advertising is paid, nonpersonal communication that is designed to communicate in a creative manner, through the use of mass or information-directed media, the nature of products, services, and ideas. It is a form of persuasive communication that offers information about products, ideas, and services that serves the objectives determined by the advertiser. Advertising may influence consumers in many different ways, but the primary goal of advertising is to increase the probability that consumers exposed to an advertisement will behave or believe as the advertiser wishes. Thus, the ultimate objective of advertising is to sell things persuasively and creatively. Advertising is used by commercial firms trying to sell products and services; by politicians and political interest groups to sell ideas or persuade voters; by not-for-profit organizations to raise funds, solicit volunteers, or influence the actions of viewers; and by governments seeking to encourage or discourage particular activities, such a wearing seatbelts, participating in the census, or ceasing to smoke. The forms that advertising takes and the media in which advertisements appear are as varied as the advertisers themselves and the messages that they wish to deliver.

       The word “advertise” originates from the Latin advertere , which means to turn toward or to take note of. Certainly, the visual and verbal commercial messages that are a part of advertising are intended to attract attention and produce some response by the viewer. Advertising is pervasive and virtually impossible to escape. Newspapers and magazines often have more advertisements than copy; radio and television provide entertainment but are also laden with advertisements; advertisements pop up on Internet sites; and the mail brings a variety of advertisements. Advertising also exists on billboards along the freeway, in subway and train stations, on benches at bus stops, and on the frames around car license plates. In shopping malls, there are prominent logos on designer clothes, moviegoers regularly view advertisements for local restaurants, hair salons, and so on, and live sporting and cultural events often include signage, logos, products, and related information about the event sponsors. The pervasiveness of advertising and its creative elements are designed to cause viewers to take note.

       Although the primary objective of advertising is to persuade, it may achieve this objective in many different ways. An important function of advertising is the identification function, that is, to identify a product and differentiate it from others; this creates an awareness of the product and provides a basis for consumers to choose the advertised product over other products. Another function of advertising is to communicate information about the product, its attributes, and its location of sale; this is the information function. The third function of advertising is to induce consumers to try new products and to suggest reuse of the product as well as new uses; this is the persuasion function.

       The identification function of advertising includes the ability of advertising to differentiate a product so that it has its own unique identity or personality. One famous example of this is found in the long-running advertising for Ivory Soap. In the late 1800s, a soap maker at Procter and Gamble left his machine running during his lunch period and returned to find a whipped soap that, when made into bars, floated. The company decided to capitalize on this mistake by advertising Ivory Soap with the phrase “It Floats.” This characteristic of Ivory Soap served to uniquely identify it and differentiate it from other bars of soap.

       The information function of advertising can also be found in advertising for Ivory Soap. For more than one hundred years, advertisements for Ivory Soap have focused on such product characteristics as purity of ingredients, child care, and soft skin. These characteristics, in turn, were often related to key benefits that could be obtained from using Ivory Soap. Thus, various advertisements emphasized “That Ivory Look,” which focused on the relationships between product characteristics and the benefits of obtaining a fresh and healthy appearance.

       The third and most important function of advertising, persuasion, is also evident in the long-running Ivory Soap advertising campaigns. The advertiser, Procter and Gamble, has linked Ivory Soap with obtaining benefits that are important to customers: a fresh and healthy appearance for women, a mild, nonirritating method for bathing babies, and a novelty for children in the tub (since it floats). The benefits of the product suggest reasons to buy and use Ivory Soap and thus provide a basis for persuading consumers. Different benefits are important to different customers. Thus, to realize its full potential as a persuasive tool, advertising must often be tailored to emphasize those benefits that are important and meaningful for a particular type of customer or a particular use of the product.




       翻译: [?d'v?:tism?nt, ,?dv?'taizm?nt]:n. 广告,宣传

       the advertisement广告

       commercial advertisement商业广告

       Advertisement food招牌饭

       Agent Advertisement代理广告;代理公告;代理通告;理布告

       TV Advertisement电视广告

       Travel Advertisement旅游广告

       advertisement creativity广告创意;关键词;英文关键词;非常态

       Corporate Advertisement企业广告

       newspaper advertisement报纸广告;报章广告

       advertisement company 广告公司

       commercial advertisement 商业广告

       advertisement plan 广告策划

       classified advertisement 分类广告


       publicity, bill, propaganda, dissemination, drumbeating



       advertising 广告的;广告业的

       advertised 广告的

       advertizing 广告的;广告业务的


       advertising 广告;广告业;登广告

       advert 广告

       advertiser 广告客户;刊登广告的人

       advertorial 社论式广告(指常作为杂志中心插页的正式广告文字)

       advertizer 广告客户;广告者

       advertizing 广告,广告活动;广告业


       advertising 公告;为…做广告(advertise的ing形式)

       advertizing 登广告(advertize的ing形式)


       advertise 做广告,登广告;作宣传

       advert 注意;谈到

       advertised 登广告(advertise的过去式和过去分词)

       advertize 做广告


       advertise 通知;为…做广告;使突出

       advertize 做广告,登广告;通知

